Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blogging Missionary Work

I've been wanting to do this for a while. So I finally sat down to figure out the logistics of it, and came up with this: My sidebar will have a link to another blog that I'll be doing called You Matter to Him. I had lots of ideas for what the blog could be called -

Seek Happiness
True Happiness
Peace in This Life
Your Potential, Your Privelage
Through Him that Loved Us
Seek This Jesus
Guardians of Virtue
A Consecrated Life
Things that Matter Most
Never Leave Him
He Lives -

But I think the one I chose is so inviting and warms your heart before you even go there. :) (Thank you President Uchtdorf!)

I don't know how exactly to describe what I'm envisioning for it, except what I said in the sidebar gadget. I guess I want it to have the discussions/lessons sort of the way I gave them on my mission. I want friends from home or others to be able to come to this here blog and click on that blog to check out, even if just casually, what I believe and have them feel like it's really me talking. And maybe as a spiritual journal of sorts with things that I think are really important for the world and even Latter-day Saints to know.

Nothings up yet, so for now it's just blank. (*sad trombone sound* womp womp womp) But it'll be an ongoing Sunday project for me. Hence, this is its first Sunday debut :).

I am excited.
!!!!! :D

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