Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Decor

Even though I wish I could claim them, none of these ideas are my own. Just adaptations.

The wreath idea came from cousin Christy: http://creativelychristy.blogspot.com/2010/09/halloween-wreath.html, except she used a twig wreath.
Please ignore the mess of a landscape. I may
be a designer, but that doesn't mean I enjoy
maintenance or have the $$ for shrubs. :)
I really wanted to do garbage bag streamers coming off the porch awning, but I had black crepe paper, and ... I can't remember why I put it on the door frame instead.

The yarn had a really hard time staying taped
up in the wind.
And the spider web idea came from Dana @ MADE: http://www.dana-made-it.com/2011/10/tutorial-10-min-yarn-spider-web.html.

As for the wreath:

I was at the dollar store with the intention of recreating Christy's wreath (as mentioned above), but only saw this kind of wreath. So I went with it. And grabbed some other dollar store things (gravestones, crepe paper, and cheap halloween rings).
I realized I should probably prime it first, and luckily had some plastic primer, since the fake evergreen stuff is slippery plastic. (Did both the front and back.)
Then sprayed it black.
And since it would be dark at trick or treating time anyway, I didn't worry about getting every speck black. So in the picture below you can still see some green.
Then stuck the plastic spider/skull rings on. I thought they would slip on like rings, but they were so cheap that the circular ring part would usually break. But no biggie since the evergreen material helped them stay in place. And it actually allowed me to put them any ol' place since I didn't have to shove/slide them into place.

Lastly, I wound some black stuff through the whole thing. Just for a lil' somethin' extra.

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