Friday, February 24, 2012

Things that Make Me Smile

- When I wake Jason up, sometimes he lets me in on what he was dreaming about. Today his first awake words were "Dog... toothpaste... Dog have toothbrush..." Haha, sounds like an interesting dream :).

-His most requested song is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and when he requests any song, he says, "Mama sing twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky." Haha. So if he wants me to sing the Alphabet Song, he says the whole thing, and same for other songs. It's so funny to me.

-When I've been in the bathroom blowdrying my hair or if I've been cooking dinner, or after I put him to bed and start cleaning up, or anytime he's playing by himself and I later find things like this:

or this:

or this:
He's in a stacking phase. He calls anything stacked "tow-a"
i.e. tower.

or this:

or this:

or this:

Finding these things always makes me smile.


Wendy said...

I love those stages! He is so fun!

Marcus Design said...

Heidi! Thank you for leading me here and for your kind comment the other day! I'll definitely be praying for your work search as well. And thanks so much for your words about my brothers song, it totally blessed him. Happy Friday to you,

Nancy xo

TinTin said...

This post is so cute! He is so cute.

Elise said...

Ha ha! You are going to love looking back on those pictures! I need to do that, too, because stuff like that is so funny!

Krista said...

Too funny! Kids are fun.